Apārangi huri kōaro – Mercury Retrograde
As we have had the Spring Equinox grace our Southern skies. From within the Zodiac, we are gifted the movement of Virgo to Libra and a Full Moon void of course of Pisces to Aries. In this Final Quarter Moon energy, we align in the final Mercury retrograde in the house of Libra under […]
Tales Of A Fan: The Fantail awesome korero from Luke Egan
I haven’t had many Fantail visitors of late, so no urgent korero is passing my way…Which is a blessing, but as all whanau know, these messengers carry korero of tuturu kaupapa, so shedding light upon all aspects is what is in Luke’s account of the humble Fantails story… The fantail has a rep for restlessness. […]
Algonquin ancestral Moon cycles for the southern hemisphere
The Ancestral Moon Cycles or Lunar Calendar of my Northern Ancestors now has a great presence under the Southern Skies. A following nurtured by Tangata Whenua o Te Tai Tokerau, looking at alternative Maramataka systems, finding familiarity in other indigenous teachings. As well as a spiritual aspect acknowledged by those, who feel a deep infinity […]